18 April, 2010

One Night

Edit: 6th October 2011
This story is perhaps the worst that I have ever written. Potentially all it shows is me sucking up to someone who was not worth my time. The date is fictitious, I never ended up meeting the guy. 
As the challenge itself was a wonderful one I think I will re-do this challenge with no one in mind. Maybe I'll be able to come up with something far less terrible. 

Story Challenge 5
Write a story from your point of view about your perfect date with the love of your life. The date can be anywhere and anything you like, from dinner to mountain hiking.


I just got home from a date. Yes, I know, me of all people on a date! The person who always says she'd never get asked out on a date, finally got asked out!
I was so nervous. I mean I have known him a while and I adore him. He makes me laugh even when I don't really feel like laughing. I'm not your average woman, this makes me terribly giddy and my knees go weak.

Oh, when he asked me, it was wonderful. My dear came up to me and took my hand, he then looked into my eyes and asked me softly, sweetly, if I would go on a date with him. I was dumbstruck by his kindness and the thoughtful way he asked me. My knees decided to turn to jelly and my friendly butterflies that live in my tummy thought it would be fun to play tag! I think I looked like a goldfish, standing their with his hand holding mine, my brain unable to catch up to my opening and closing mouth. When I finally did get to speak I whispered "I would be honoured!" I don't know why I turn into a formal brat when someone shows me kindness, however in this instance it added to the beauty of the moment.

He wouldn't tell me where we were going, only that I didn't need to dress up or wear anything other than what I'd usually wear. This served to make me weary, why wouldn't I need to dress up? Omg, was he only going to take me to McDonald's or something? These thoughts only lasted about five minutes before I was reduced to tears of laughter. He knew that I wouldn't want to have dinner or anything on our date, he knew that I would be uncomfortable with these things. Here is the part where I started to get really excited!

It was 8 o'clock when I heard his soft knock at the door. Skipping, I left my room and went to let him in. My heart leapt into my throat when I saw him, I couldn't resist wrapping him up in a hug, softly placing a kiss on his smiling lips. Apparently he felt as I did because he held me tightly and definitely didn't stop me from kissing him.


We ended up at his house, sitting on the balcony watching all the drunk people (yes, even as early as 9pm) flash us, pash each other and do other generally stupid things. We laughed and made up stories as to why they were doing these things. He looked at me often and told me I was beautiful, it didn't even matter that I didn't believe him, it was just a lovely moment and one where I very nearly believed what he said.
We didn't eat a formal dinner or anything so uncomfortable as that, instead he produced some cheese and crackers, some fruit and some chilled water (I don't drink and even if I were writing a story I still wouldn't say champagne because that stuff is terrible!) It was beautiful because he'd listened when I said I was different and I wasn't one of those people who liked expensive dinners and big productions. I couldn't stop smiling. I couldn't settle the butterflies. I loved every minute.

The night went on, it became morning, we'd graduated inside when the rowdy crowd below got too much. The entire night he was a sweet gentleman never once pushing me, expecting something or even saying anything that would make me uncomfortable. He was so kind and considerate of my crazy ways. I couldn't ask for anyone better in my life.
We did go to bed, not the way you think! He hugged me and I him and we slept, there was something intimate about it without being sexual. A foundation strong foundation was laid last night. I trust him. I adore him.
